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Hi, I'm David Paul Anthony.

I'm a multi-disciplinary designer from the US.

Scroll or click the buttons below to see my work.

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Game Design

characters, stories, & worlds

Game design button

Instructional Design

education, engagement, & solutions

Instructional design button

Multimedia Design

crafts, graphics, & more

Multi-media design button



EDUC 765 - Certificate Course Design Documents

My project utilizes a community-based effort to increase public perception and participation in local recycling programs. The project's final form will be a flexible online course meant to inform learners of the importance of local recycling efforts, the global plastic crisis, and practical ways to improve a household's waste management habits. The course will initially focus on the community members, aged 16+, that are living in Dunn County, Wisconsin. Although Dunn County will be the focus group, the materials could be updated to fit any locality with a nearby recycling facility.

ETCetera Learning Modules

12 learning modules, one year. I worked with a team of three designers and over 50 faculty members at the University of Wisconsin: Stout to produce a series of online learning materials. The ETCetera modules, as they've been named, provide faculty with short and engaging professional development opportunities. You can read more about them at the ETCetera - Educational Training Content Page.

Think Like a Designer (TLAD)

Think Like a Designer (TLAD) is a four-part professional development series created by myself and my wife Megan Anthony. These four presentations are geared toward individuals of all design experience levels who want to be more mindful when creating content for learners. As learners get more diverse, the need for usable and accessible educational materials goes up. We pull together research on generations, education, and online-learning trends to provide a foundational understanding of universal design. Along with that, we expand upon the general philosophy behind continual improvement via a feedback-centered design loop.

Little Sprouts

Little Sprouts was a faculty-requested learning experience that acts as a capstone for undergraduate Human Development and Family Studies students. The game is about a new parent who is quickly learning how to baby-proof their house. It's the player's job to correctly identify hazards that pose a threat to children of different developmental stages. The game was created by a team of 1 programmer and 2 designers in collaboration with a subject-matter expert from the University of Wisconsin: Stout.


Section coming soon!

About Me

David Anthony portrait

My childhood was spent romping through creeks, streets, and woods in western Pennsylvania. Although I had an aversion to school in those days, I eventually cultivated a love for learning. I became enthralled with building and working with my hands. It led me to pursue things like woodworking, pottery, painting, and coding.

These different skill-sets culminated in a Bachelor's of Science in Game Design and Development at a polytechnic university. This experience trained me to be a better, more rounded designer capable of a diverse set of roles. Nowadays I use that love of learning in the Instructional Design field where I incorporate a myriad of skills to enhance learning in online courses.